Raging edgy metal from Ohio, MIDNIGHT has been waving the banners of Satanic thrash royalty for an entire era, and now they are coming out with their third album to hold the throne as black n roll’s most savage band.
By the time “Poison Trash” hits I’m on the edge of my seat and already into the bodacious grooves layered under toxic levels of distortion.
The album is short and anything but sweet, however, that’s not to say it isn’t good. Although I think the momentum and energy behind their first two albums is a leap ahead of what is on the third release, Sweet Death and Ecstasy, there is still a lot of potency left in MIDNIGHT that shredders and thrashers are going to be able to enjoy for years. “Poison Trash” definitely has what you might be looking for in a stand out MIDNIGHT track, and should definitely be expected to get the crowd wild at any show.
You can feel the almost satirical darkness of the band in tracks like “Melting Brain”, which are ludicrous lyrically, but conjured with such a thickness in Athenar’s songwriting that you may find yourself gladly sinking into this rocking Hell while laughing at the tongue and cheek lyrics.
The Venom influence is paramount everywhere and most certainly obvious on “Rabid!” and “Bitch Mongrel,” two tracks on the album’s latter half with that definite raw punk rock style that clashes with speed and and deep bluesy guitar tones dripping with acidic abrasiveness.