This split features sinister black metal from two different nations. There is absolutely nothing new or fancy about the style on this 10”, and neither do these bands hone on any of the rock friendly tones of first wave black metal or black n roll. Quite simply this is the Portuguese label Signal Rex at its best, offering the legions another crunchy wave of diabolical noise.
Óreiða is the first band on the split. Early Darkthrone and Emperor influence is immediately recognizable on the pulverizing track “Blindur.” The return of this enigmatic Icelandic act carves out another necessary grab for their cult following, following their breakthrough demo. Clocking in at just under ten minutes, Óreiða’s track is an ominous whirlwind of complete black metal decimation.
Holocausto Em Chamas have an ethereal raw sound reminiscent of old school Darkthrone or Burzum. They’re a Portuguese duo with something to prove, as this is their second sonic malice, as well. The drum echo is dominantly heavy on each of their three tracks on this 10”, which is pretty characteristic of second wave black metal and its progeny of modern filth.
The split clocks in at twenty minutes. With no breaks or time to catch a breath, this pedigree of old school black metal courts the contemptable and depraved with no regards for safe metal.